Bouquet Deluxe
Bouquet Deluxe
30 Roses. Lovely Hand-tied Medium Bouquet
This chic bouquet of feminine colors is full of texture and makes a fabulous gift. (Crown is included)
Our bouquets does not have a specific color. We will keep the colors between pink, light pink and purple. We will make a beautiful combination!
Flowers Instructions: These are fresh cut flowers and are perishable. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not add water. Our roses are meant to stay in the box please do not remove them :).
Please note substitution of colors may need to be made based on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. By making a purchase on this website, customer authorizes substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion.
Delivery Information
Pétale de Rose Fresh-Cut Roses can be hand-delivered after 24 hours of placing your order. Please choose Hand-Delivered during check out. For more information please visit Shipping Information.